Other Strategic Documents

MRLGA Public Health and Wellbeing Plan

Councils are tasked with taking a huge range of actions to preserve, protect and promote public health as outlined by the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 (the Act).

As part of this legislated responsibility, our Council is required to maintain and report on a Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. With the extensive resourcing required to undertake the plan and associated duties, Berri Barmera Council collaborated with other Riverland and Murrayland Councils to develop a regional plan that would support our Council and Region's capacity to deliver a range of corporate actions that would respond to some of the many public health priorities.

The Berri Barmera Council identified specific actions within this regional plan that are purposely broad in nature so as to allow our Council to deliver outcomes that meet our current resourcing capacity and can mirror our corporate plan activities to ensure flexibility over a number of years to suit the changing needs of our diverse district and community.

A copy of the 2022-2026 MRLGA Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is available from the MRLGA website