Friends of Bonney Theatre Working Group

About the Friends of Bonney Theatre Working Group

Pursuant to section 41(1) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Berri Barmera Council (Council) resolved on 27 November 2018 to establish a sub-committee to be known as the Friends of Bonney Theatre Working Group (the Sub-committee).

A committee formed of Councillors and Other Representatives including local residents, who would like to see this beautiful art deco building used to its maximum potential.  The group meets three times per year at the Bonney Theatre complex and is proactive in seeking ways to promote the facilities to ensure it is regularly booked out for a variety of events to ensure its viability as a community asset.  NOTED: Formerly named Friends of Bonney Theatre Complex Committee

Meets: Three times per year

When:  Search Council's Meeting Calendar for next meeting

Where: Soldiers Memorial Hall Bonney Theatre Complex

Staff Lead: Manager Community Development

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