Arts and Culture

The Berri Barmera District is developing as a vibrant place that is culturally diverse, with a growing list of cultural, creative and heritage base experiences.

We recognise that the Arts are a wonderful tool for engaging members of the community encompassing diverse avenues of expressions, covering: visual arts, music, literature, performing arts, film, radio and television. These activities also play a significant role in contributing to our overall health and wellbeing.

With appropriate support and the community’s embrace, our arts and culture will help create a stronger, more prosperous region; a more resilient and cohesive community; and enrich this region as an attractive place to live, work and visit.

With this in mind our Council has developed an Arts and Culture Strategy that outlines our commitment to the sector over the next five years. It highlights a vision which promotes the arts as being accessible to everyone, demonstrates an investment in people and helps to recognise our heritage and to "tell our story".