If you have the opportunity to provide support towards building a better community,
we would love to hear from you.
About You
You will need to have:
- A passion for our local community
- The ability to build connections with a diverse group. This may include locals, visitors, staff and other volunteers.
- Initiative and ability to work with minimal supervision
- A positive attitude
The Team
The Berri Barmera Council recognises the important role that Volunteers undertake throughout the community. Many people have a desire to give voluntarily of their time and within Local Government there are opportunities for this to occur. While there are a number of areas within our Council where the participation of Volunteers could arise, the key roles are within Tourism and Libraries.

The Visitor Information Centre at Berri, undertakes both Tourism and Community Information functions on behalf of Council. If you enjoy talking about, helping people explore or researching the history and attractions of our district then there may be volunteer opportunities with our Tourism team. We also support the Hall of Fame Pioneers Museum in Barmera and have roles that can use your support.

With two Libraries located within our Council district, the opportunity to support the reading, research and education opportunities of our residents is open to any person with an interest in this field. Our libraries also provide a range of story time, craft, 'Get Savvy' workshops and history activities so the offer for more Volunteer involvement is often available. See the Library Services section for more information
Become Involved
Step 1: Read through volunteer role statements to see which area suits your skills and interests here.
Step 2: Register your interest as a volunteer here.
Please note that at this time we are only recruiting new volunteers on an ‘as needs’ basis. Applicants that match our recruitment needs will be contacted and invited to attend an interview.
Step 3: Attend a phone interview - we will contact suitable applicants to arrange an interview.
A more comprehensive Volunteer Application Form may be provided to gather additional information.
Step 4: Placement
Volunteers will be offered placements based on their suitability for the role, availability and any particular skills or qualifications that are required.
For more information phone us on 8582 1922 during business hours or email us on bbc@bbc.sa.gov.au.
Friends of Bonney Theatre
- Ambassadors / concierge that engage with visitors
- Assist with events
- Showcase our facilities and possible functionality
- Promote region
To register your interest please click on the QR code below