Rally for Riverland

Rally for Riverland - 1200 x 120 Navy

An initiative of

The Riverland is well loved by its community and has many strengths. There are however a number of challenges and issues that individual (or collective) Councils do not have the resources or remit to solve. Many of these challenges and issues rely on State and Federal Governments providing solutions through infrastructure, programs and services.

One of the most important functions we can perform as local Councils is to advocate for the infrastructure, services and changes to regulations required for our communities to thrive.

In 2019 The ‘Riverland Region’ engaged Fred Consulting Pty Ltd (FRED) to develop a Social Indicators Strategy for the region – which came to be known as the Rally for Riverland Project (The Project). The vision for The Project was to build a meaningful data set over time and to use this information to create a better future for the Riverland community.
The stated objectives of the project were to:
  1. Develop a clear and complete picture of the health, wellbeing and the social landscape within the
    Riverland region benchmarked to other regions and the state;
  2. Equip the three participating Councils with the ability to undertake evidence-based decision
    making and better support service/program planning and delivery with robust, timely and holistic
  3. Develop a framework for advocacy and influence to facilitate targeted support and investment in
    social programs within the region; and
  4. Facilitate an environment of collaboration amongst stakeholders based on a shared purpose and

The support these objectives, the following activities were undertaken:

  • Development of Evidence Framework
  • Secondary Data Collection
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Data Analysis
  • Strategy Development

The purpose of the Rally for Riverland Advocacy Roadmap is to provide a shared vision and a collective and strategic lens to direct the efforts, resources and advocacy priorities of all regional councils (and their strategic partners) as they work towards achieving a better future for their communities.

What is advocacy?

Council led advocacy is the direct action, relationship building, and collaboration activities undertaken on behalf of the community to access and secure funding and/or to bring about changes to policy and regulations. Successful council led advocacy will deliver infrastructure, facilities, services, and other benefits to the community that are beyond individual (or collective) Council responsibilities or capabilities.

The role and function of the Councils

The South Australian Local Government Act (1999) identifies the broad role of Councils to include the following activities:

  • To provide and co-ordinate various public services and facilities and to develop its community and resources in a socially just and ecologically sustainable manner;
  • To encourage and develop initiatives within its community for improving the quality of life of the community; and
  • To represent the interests of its community to the wider community

Not withstanding the responsibility of the Councils to represent the interests of the community, during the stakeholder engagement undertaken in 2019 and early 2020, the community gave strong support to the Councils playing an advocacy role with respect to a range of issues discussed in this Road Map.


  • Optimising collaboration
  • Water/the River
  • Accessibility of Region
  • Regional Infrastructure
  • Working Age Population
  • Equitable Access to Services and Support
  • Housing

Below is a copy of the final document which was prepared by FRED Consulting on behalf of the Riverland Local Government Forum; Berri Barmera Council, District Council of Loxton Waikerie and Renmark Paringa Council. A link to the rather large background data "Regional Profile and Wellbeing Indicators Report" is also provided.

Rally For Riverland Advocacy Roadmap

Regional Profile and Wellbeing Indicators Report

If you would like to speak to some one at Council regarding this project or the document itself, please direct your queries to the Manager Community Development.