Hot Weather and Your Pets

Beagle in front of fan
With summer just around the corner, the Riverland can experience scorching temperatures. Here are some helpful tips to keeping your pets cool this summer.

  • Put wet towels down for your pets
  • Freeze containers of water to make big ice blocks for them to play with and chew on
  • For dogs especially, you can freeze their dinner
  • Dogs that like to play with tennis balls etc must not be over exercised, limit play to short periods; otherwise it could result in heat exhaustion
  • Most animals just relax and sleep in the heat - they may be grumpy so give them lots of time out. Instruct children to also allow them to rest
  • Dogs pant to regulate their body temperature they sweat through their paws and tongue.
  • Cats are a lot more tolerant to heat, so if a cat starts to pant they will certainly be close to overheating so you must act fast ... wrap them in a cool, wet towel until they start to cool down, then seek veterinary advice.

Heat Exhaustion in Dogs:

For dogs, heat exhaustion can be dangerous – even fatal. If you think your dog may be suffering from heat exhaustion, cool it immediately by placing it on tiles or other cool flooring and cover with a damp towel and keep a close watch. Signs of heat exhaustion include:

  • Restlessness
  • Panting
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Excess salivation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

If in any doubt get your dog or pet to a vet as soon as possible.