Customer Service Charter
Customer Charter
Council's Customer Charter has been developed to highlight our commitment to you, our customers.
The Charter lets you know what kind of service you can expect from us, and what to do if you feel those expectations haven't been met.
Service Standards
Whether the service is a legislative requirement or is provided by local choice, we endeavour to be responsive to the needs, interests and aspirations of individuals and groups within our community by seeking to ensure that we use our resources fairly.
We understand it is important for us to set expectations upfront about the time our processes and services may take.
Service Standards – CONTACTING US
We have collated standard timeframes for assessing our response to customer requests from tree trimming, parking control, to completing permits and applications. After assessing your customer request we will inform you of the time needed to provide a response and provide you with contact details if you have any further enquiries.
Service Standards - CUSTOMER REQUESTS
We have collated standard timeframes for assessing our response to customer requests from tree trimming, parking control, to completing permits and applications. After assessing your customer request we will inform you of the time needed to provide a response and provide you with contact details if you have any further enquiries.
Service Standards – COUNCIL SERVICES
The range of services provided by council is in response to the needs and priorities determined by our local community.
The services we provide;
- Libraries
- Cemeteries
- Community Events
- Halls and Community Facilities
- Sports and Recreation Centres
- Playgrounds
- Parks and reserves
- Swimming Pool
- Tourism and Visitor Information
Submitting Feedback
Report It
Report it instantly using My Local Services App
Request for Service
If you have identified a need for us to perform one our services (i.e. damaged trees, pot-holes in footpaths) we ask that you contact us and provide:
- your contact details; and
- a description of the issue or the work required; and
- address for the location of the request.
Comment / Compliment
We are constantly looking for ways to enhance the services and programs we provide to you. If you have been pleased with our service, let us know, as it gives us the opportunity to recognise the great service provided by our staff.
Concern / Complaint
If you can suggest how we can do things better, please tell us. We welcome your feedback to improve our service to you. A feedback form is available online or at any of our customer service centre or libraries. Alternatively you can write to us or give us a call.
Review of Decision
This is a formal request for a revision of a decision by Council in accordance with the requirements of s.270 of the Local Government Act. To view Council's Policy for Review of Council Decisions (Including Handling Complaints) please click here.
We have a formal complaints policy and supporting procedures which outlines standards and processes for actioning matters raised by customers. To view this policy, please click here.
Ombudsman SA
The Ombudsman SA is an independent office that has comprehensive power to investigate complaints made in relation to Local Government.
Customers have the right to contact the Ombudsman SA at any time if they are dissatisfied with an action or inaction of the Berri Barmera Council.
The Ombudsman SA may be contacted at:
Postal: PO Box 3651, Rundle Mall SA 5001
Office: Level 5, East Wing 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide SA 5000
T: (08) 8226 8699
F: (08) 8226 8602
Toll free: 1800 182 150
Performance Measurement
- We will report monthly/quarterly on the quality of our customer service delivery
- We will invite customer feedback
- We will regularly survey our community
- We will undertake quality monitoring and coaching of staff
- We will undertake training and development programs
PLEASE NOTE: This framework deals with the quality of services we provide. The following matters are not covered by this framework:
- Administrative decisions made under a law; or
- Government Policy