Flood Recovery - Long Term Projects

Township Stormwater

Barmera and Berri township stormwater networks are undergoing damage assessment. Both systems were impaired by river levels and were inoperable during rain events. Upgrades should be investigated to ensure the systems remain operational during periods of inundation.

Council Area: Berri Barmera

Category: Infrastructure, Owned

Timeframe: 2-5 Year

Value: < 2 Million

Status: Concept only and not yet approved by Council

Infrastructure Upgrade at Barmera

The Community Wastewater Management system at Barmera township requires upgrade to ensure it is protected in times of flood. The network currently supports up to 4000 residents in the township of Barmera, Loveday and Cobdogla. An upgrade may involve rerouting of the network adjacent Lake Bonney foreshore or installation of a new bypass line to increase the resilience of the network. A feasibility and options analysis is required in the first instance with potential construction to follow in the short to medium term, subject to funding, in advance of any potential repeat flooding even.

Council Area: Berri Barmera

Category: Environmental, Owned

Timeframe: 2-5 Year

Value: < 2 Million

Status: Concept only and not yet approved by Council

Permanent solution for salinity management of Lake Bonney

The lake currently relies on rare large floods to reduce salinity that builds up year on year. The health of the lake and lake enviros remain at high risk during years of below average river flows. There have been past proposals for salinity management in Lake Bonney such as the installation of a 5km pipeline connecting the South Western end of Lake Bonney near the caravan park to the river channel at Cobdogla near Bruno Bay. Broadly, this project could pursue sustainable solutions like the proposed pipeline, for the ongoing health of Lake Bonney. The project requires advocacy for investigation of issues affecting lake health, solution options, feasibility and triple-bottom-line benefits.

Council Area: Berri Barmera

Category: Environmental, Advocacy, Collaborative

Value: Unknown

Status: Concept only and not yet approved by Council