Berri and Barmera Historic Building Foothpath QR Project

Staff at the Berri Library have been working on a Council history project for our district. Plaques have recently been installed in the footpaths outside various buildings in both Berri and Barmera as part of a roll-out for the Historic Buildings QR Code project.

The plaques have been placed to be viewed in the front of a building and have the names of the building or shop’s business, a photo of the original building and a QR code.

Scanning the QR code will direct the user to a website showing the history of the building and business, along with historic photographs of how it has looked over the years.

This pilot project will enable the Council to analyse how often the QR codes are viewed to determine if it would be worthwhile expanding the project to smaller towns across our district.  There are many historic buildings located in other towns that help illustrate the rich history of our region.

In the future, it is hoped that this history project can be expanded to include the installation of QR code bollards at historic sites in our region as well as placing QR code stickers in shop windows, explaining the history of the shop and the businesses that have been located in the premises over the years.

The Berri Library would be keen to receive feedback from those in the community who have used the QR codes. Email to provide your comments.
