
Gifts & Benefits Register

At times, a member of the community may offer a staff member or Elected Member a gift or other benefit. This may be a genuine offer of appreciation or non-genuine as an attempt to influence decision making.

The Council policy supports the following Local Government position and now the legislation also requires that any benefit must be refused if:
  • it is given in attempt to influence
  • if receiving it would, in the mind of a reasonable person, be perceived that it would prevent the receiver's ability to act impartially

When it is appropriate for a gift or benefit to be received, that item will be entered into either the Council Elected Members' or the Council Employees' Gifts and Benefits Register. In pursuit of the principle of open and transparent government, both registers are publicly available.

Council Employee Gifts & Benefits Register

Register of Salaries

Register of Salaries In accordance with Chapter 7, Part 2 Appointment of other staff Section 105 Register of remuneration, salaries and benefits Council must maintain a Register of Salaries in respect of each employee.

Register of Salaries

Elected Members Allowances and Benefits Register

Register of allowances and benefits In accordance with Section 79 to the Local Government Act 1999 (“the Act”) council must maintain a Register of Allowances and Benefits in respect of each member of the council—

(a) the annual allowance payable to the member; and

(b) details of any expenses reimbursed by the council under section 77(1)(b); and

(c) details of other benefits paid or payable to, or provided for the benefit of, the member by the council

Council Elected Member Gifts & Benefits Register

Elected member Register of Interest

The Register of Interest contains Elected Member primary and ordinary returns. A primary return is completed by the new Elected Member following their election. An ordinary return is completed annually by Elected Members within the first 60 days of a new financial year.

Elected member register of interest

Elected Member Mandatory Training Development Register

Elected member training register